Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Art Works

Recently I've tried myself in new style of painting. I saw it for million times with contemporary artists, and I purely liked it, so here are my new art works, check it:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wildfox Couture's Summer 2012

We all wish we were part of a fairy tale, some magical creature in some great love story.
A little mermaid with pearls in her long pink hair gliding through the warm salty water, in love with some beautiful sailor who she sees on a ship, handsome brown eyes and a different world. Our lives are more similar to fairy tales than we think, and everywhere around us there is magic. White sand that glitters in the sun and gets stuck like diamonds to your skin, sugarcane fields under the clouds that taste sweet in the rain, running barefoot on the hot pavement to meet a boy in town, long days of summer where the moon comes out along with the sun.
Wildfox Summer collection is to be pulled on over a bikini, drying off from the water on a tropical island, sunkissed shoulders and smelling of sunscreen & coconut oil. It is for little mermaids everywhere who believe in their own fairy tale coming true. 
Check out the Summer 2012 collection below featuring supermodel Charlotte Free.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wildfox Couture's Spring 2012

О своей новой коллекции дизайнеры Emily Faulstich и Kimberley Gordon говорят: "Мы вдохновились красноречивой, романтичной книгой Тома Робинса "Даже девушки-ковбои иногда грустят", которая полна невероятных эвфемизмов и мощных взглядов на одинокие, но впечатляющие жизни отверженных девушек-ковбоев. Робинс показывает власть, боль и юмор в жизни одиноких девушек трогательно и смешно. Мы надеемся, что захватили те же чувства нашей новой коллекцией".

Весенняя графика вдохновлена винтажным западным стилем футболок и готической романтикой с крестами и ружьями, коровьими черепами и птицами и старыми высказываниями в западном шрифте. Цветовая палитра представлена в пастельной гамме, сосредоточена на лавандовых, нежно-голубых и розовых цветах, с всплесками неоново-желтого и оранжевого.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Disney Princesses by J. Scott Campbell

Tonight I've found this wonderful calendar and I must say: I'm amazed by it! I'm fond of Disney's cartoons, especially of female characters, and I'm always intrested in different variations of drawing them. This Pin Up Calendar ain't an exeption. I'm enjoining it!